
Bag Filter

Bag Filter

Bag filters play a crucial role in air pollution control. Also known as bag houses or fabric filters, these devices are essential for extracting particulate matter from air or gas emissions, particularly in electricity generation setups. Widely utilized across industries like power plants, steel mills, pharmaceutical facilities, and chemical manufacturers, bag filters ensure compliance with rigorous regulatory standards. Bag houses typically employ elongated, cylindrical bags made from woven or felted fabric as the primary filter medium. In cases of low dust loading and gas temperatures below 250 °F, pleated non-woven cartridges may serve as viable alternatives. Dust-laden gas enters through hoppers, directing flow into the bag house compartment.


The gas passes through the filter bags, either internally or externally, while dust accumulates on the filter media's surface. When the pressure drop reaches a critical threshold, indicating sufficient dust build up, the cleaning process is initiated. This ensuring seamless operation and adherence to regulatory standards. As suppliers of boiler spares and contractors, integrating robust bag filter systems demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship and operational excellence


  • MOC: IS 2062, Polyester, Polypropylene, Homo Polymer, Fibber Glass
  • CAPACITY:For All Types of Industrial Boilers
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